A Guide To Essential Oils And Their Uses

- What Is Aromatherapy?
- Aromatherapy is the application of essential oils which are
intended to promote the health and well-being of an individual.
Although the essential oils, which are extracted from plants, have
very specific aromas which have been used since the times of the
ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, they also have numerous other
important qualities and various oils may be antibiotic, antiviral,
antiseptic etc.
- Essential oils have been used in perfumery and healing for many
thousands of years, even before the ancient Egyptian times. The art
of embalming was very dependent upon essential oils, and Greek
warriors are known to have anointed themselves with oils before going
into battle. Precious gifts in the Middle East 2000 years ago
included myrrh and frankincense. In Europe in the middle ages,
aromatic plants such as clove, cypress, sage and rosemary were burned
in an effort to control plagues. The use of natural oils for both
fragrance and healing purposes however started to die out in the
early nineteenth century when scientists learned how to synthesize
the plant oils for both perfumes and medicines.
- It was thought that the new synthesized products would take the
place of the natural, more expensive substances, which accordingly
fell out of favor. Since then of course, we have learned that
synthesized drugs do not always provide the best answer and that
nature often provides a solution that is more suited to the task and
with fewer side-effects.
- In the early 1900's, a French chemist named Gattefosse was
working in his perfumery laboratory when he suffered a severe burn to
his hand. Wanting to immediately cool his burn, but not having any
water within reach, he plunged his hand into a bowl of lavender
essential oil. A few days later, and to his surprise, he found that
his burns were healing very quickly and with minimal scarring.
Gattefosse began to investigate the properties of the lavender oil,
and then other essential oils, and he eventually became the principal
authority on essential oils. Gattefosse is today credited with
rediscovering the art of using essential oils from plants for
'health' purposes
- Essential oils can enter the body through the air via the nose
and bronchial passages. (Inhalation) or can be absorbed through the
skin directly into the bloodstream using massage. (Absorption).
- Aromatherapy makes use of both inhalation and absorption. The
power of smell is a very powerful trigger to the human nervous
system. Some aromas, such as newly cut grass, the sea breeze, etc.
have evocative smells so powerful that simply reading the word can
remind us of the aroma. An aroma usually has an immediate effect,
which is why smelling salts can instantly revive. The nose contains
tiny hair-like extensions of the brain which detect scent. The brain
very rapidly interprets aromas that are inhaled. It has long been
known that certain smells or aromas have a sedative or soothing
effect whilst others have a stimulating effect. A qualified
aromatherapist uses essential oils to treat a surprising number of ailments.
- Although serious conditions should always be treated by a
qualified practitioner or by a physician, many common ailments can be
relieved safely and effectively at home with aromatherapy. You may in
fact, soon come to regard essential oils as a vital part of your home
first aid kit.
- For self help, essential oils are most commonly used to relieve
aches and pains, for relaxation and stress reduction, and for skin
and hair care, but they also have much wider possibilities. Many oils
have proven antiseptic properties and can be used as first aid and as
an ongoing treatment for cuts, burns, insect bites and bruises. Some
other oils are anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antibiotic, etc.
Oils with anti-fungal properties can be used in such conditions as
athletes foot and other fungal infections. Some can be used as an aid
in the overall management of more serious conditions, such as
candida, arthritis and rheumatism. In addition, since the oils work
through the brain to act on the emotions, they are very useful too
not only for stress relief, but in cases of anxiety, overwork, stage
fright etc.
- NEVER use an essential oil internally unless
you are instructed to do so by a licensed physician OR a Medical
Aromatherapist. If you are being treated for cancer, consult your
oncologist before using essential oils, as they may interfere with
some treatment procedures. DO NOT use aromatherapy products if you
are receiving homeopathic treatments, as essential oils can change
the effects of homeopathic remedies. Consult your homeopathic practitioner.
- The material on these pages is not meant to take
the place of diagnosis and treatment by a qualified medical
practitioner. Since the actual use of essential oils by others is
beyond the author's control, no expressed or implied guarantee as to
the effects of their use can be given, nor liability taken. Essential
oils are to be used at the user's own discretion.


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